These Barrels of Lyna’s Sour Beer will be ready for you sometime in 2021! The 377 B…

These Barrels of Lyna’s Sour Beer will be ready for you sometime in 2021! The 377 Brewery is where you get #barreled sour beer! #sourbeerlovers #thesourbeerprogram #craftbeer #nokettle
Fish and Chips, craft-beer and friends make the perfect lunch! Kirkl…

Fish and Chips, craft-beer and friends make the perfect lunch! Kirkland Airforce Base Sunport, Albuquerque, New Mexico Broadstone Towne Center Apartments #fishandchips #craftbeer #goodfriends
The Differences Between Sours and Kettle Sours, Explained

Don’t be fooled! Sour Beer Lovers know the difference between Kettled and Spontaneous! There are lots of Kettle Sour people but very few Spontaneous and usually are at The 377! #thesourbeerprogram #sourbeerlovers The Differences Between Sours and Kettle Sours, ExplainedWhat is a kettle sour? A kettle sour refers to a sour beer production method…
Another WILD SPONTANEOUS afternoon at The 377 Brewery sampling all of Lyna’s Spontan…

Another WILD SPONTANEOUS afternoon at The 377 Brewery sampling all of Lyna’s Spontaneous Wild Sours. Come in and sample Fox Trot & Perfect Ride tapped and ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE 377 BREWERY! #thespontaneousbeerprogram #sourbeer #sourlovers377Brewery.comBrewery