The 377 Brewery updated their business hours.
The 377 Brewery updated their business hours.
TO GO Hours! Call (505) 916-0331
Monday thru Friday 8 am to last call 7pm’ Saturday! 12 to last call 6. Today is fish Friday! Fish tacos Fish & chips Fish Sandwich Fish nuggets and fries #supportlocal #buylocal #localbrewery #localrestaurantBrewery
The 377 Brewery TO GO!
2027 Yale Blvd SE (505) #buylocal #supportlocalbrewery#supportlocalrestaurant
16oz cans 5.50 each El Cucuy is a 1.00 more and the quad is 2 dollars more. Growlers…
16oz cans 5.50 each El Cucuy is a 1.00 more and the quad is 2 dollars more. Growlers are 12.00 to fill El Cucuy Quad and Ginger are a little more to fill. 7.50 a fill for 32oz growlers for customers that have 32oz growlers. The growlers we sell are 64ozBrewery
All Day Breakfast Burritos! TO GO!
╠Burrito and a Pint $7 + Smothered=$7.50╠Order a 6 pack of Burrito to go=Free Delivery!🚘 For *delivery or TO GO call: (505) 916-0331! #the377breakfastburrito #togo #deliveredBrewery